Add a New Physical Scanner Appliance

Configure and activate your physical scanner appliance in just 3 easy steps. You can check out our Scanner Appliance User Guide to get complete details. A Manager or Unit Manager can complete these steps.

1) plug the appliance into your internal network,

2) complete the configuration using the LCD panel (you're done once you see your activation code), and

3) activate it - using the user interface go to Scans > Appliances and select New > Scanner Appliance and enter the activation code. You're done once you see the friendly name and IP address.

Troubleshooting tips

Don't see the activation code?

Be sure to verify activation is successful

What's next?

Is my appliance ready for scanning?

How do I grant users access to an appliance?

Do you want to change the friendly name?

Quick Links

User Guide PDF Icon

Manage your appliance

From the Community

Scanners Help Center

Best Practices for Internal Scanning

Scanner Appliance Troubleshooting and FAQs

Tip Your account can include a mix of physical, virtual and offline scanner appliances.

Did you know? You can replace an appliance with a new one. Just go to Scans > Appliances > New > Replace Scanner Appliance.